How do I apply?
This is a free program. DC Advocacy Partners 2020 program is NOW OPEN to apply.
THE DEADLINE has been extended to Tuesday, September 8, 2020.
Please click on this survey link to complete your application: https://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/5761998/2020-DC-Advocacy-Partners-Applica…
For individuals who are blind or visually impaired, please download the DC AP Accessible 2020 Application below:
For those who wish to print out a hard copy of the application and mail it to the Institute for Educational Leadership, please download a printable version below:
Who can Apply:
- A person with an intellectual and/or other developmental disability. (See application for the full “developmental disability” definition); or
- A family member of someone with an intellectual and/or other developmental disability. “Family” is defined broadly as adults and children related biologically, emotionally, or legally, including single parents, blended families, unrelated individuals living cooperatively, and partnered couples who live with biological, adopted, and foster children.
- All participants must be DC residents, residing in Wards 5-8 and participants must be adults (ages 18 or up).
If you need assistance, please contact Whitney Johnson by email at johnsonw@iel.org.
Attach File: