In this seventh session of DC Advocacy Partners, participants will:
- Understand the importance of public policy and public and private agency roles in improving emergency preparedness for people with disabilities.
- Develop a plan for emergencies for themselves and/or their family.
- Learn about disability rights and responsibilities related to public transportation.
- Understand what gains have been made in public policy to assure accessible transportation systems for people with disabilities.
- Gain an understanding of accessible and affordable housing options for people with disabilities, such as housing vouchers, Section 8, and anti-discrimination issues.
- Understand the role and mission of Independent Living Centers.
- Learn the importance of consumer directed personal assistance services.
Partial List of Resources on Emergency Preparedness, Transportation, Housing and Independent Living
Emergency Preparedness Handouts
Preparedness checklist
Getting Medical Care and Prescription Drugs in a Disaster or Emergency Area
It’s A Disaster. . . and What Are You Gonna Do About It? A Disaster Preparedness, Prevention and First Aid Manual, Compliments of District of ColumbiaHomeland Security and Emergency Management Agency
Richard Devylder’s Presentation on Individual Emergency Preparedness
Reduced Fare Program for People with Disabilities (from WMATA)
Roll DC User Guide – A guide about using accessible taxis in Washington, DC.
Richard Devylder’s Presentation on Transportation
National Council on Disability letter to the President of the United States introducing its report,The State of Housing in America in the 21st Century: A Disability Perspective
Article and information on the Inclusive Home Design Act (H.R. 5781) introduced by Representative Janice Schakowsky.
Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) Letter to Representative Schakowsky
Easter Seals and the CENTURY 21 System’s Easy Access Housing for Easier Living Program
Housing Choice Vouchers Fact Sheet
Section 811 Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities
Housing & Mortgages for People with Disabilities
How to Pursue Supported Living Workbook
Affordable Housing Options (from the TAC)
Filing and Housing Discrimination Complaint (from us dept of housing and urban development)
Independent Living
Independent Living Glossary of Terms
Making the Move to Managing Your Own Personal Assistance Services (PAS):
A Toolkit for Youth with Disabilities Transitioning to Adulthood
Identifying What You’re Looking for in a Personal Assistant
Independent Living Checklist
Thinking Outside the Box: Service Dogs
Statewide Independent Living Center (SILC) Solicitation Letter June 2012
Useful videos on Emergency Planning and Housing.
FEMA: Emergency Planning (4 min, 32 sec)
Preparing to Prosper: The Positive Way to Prepare for Emergencies (11 min, 29 sec)
Housing Discrimination (Fair Housing 101) (3 min, 45 sec)
The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) produced “Fair Housing 101” to educate Californians about their right to be free from discrimination in housing under the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA), Government Code section 12900 et seq. Among other protections, this video shows that a tenant is protected from disability discrimination and refusal to provide disabled parking by his/her landlord. The DFEH is California’s state civil rights agency, which enforces the FEHA, Unruh Civil Rights Act, Ralphs Civil Rights Act and Disabled Persons Act. For further information, log onto
Click below to download the Word document or the PDF. The priority assignment this month is your work on the Long Term Project (Item #1 ). Once you complete Item # 1, choose at least 3 of the other items to complete.
Read at least 1 of the articles recommended by ADD Commissioner Sharon Lewis on available Housing Resources and Policies in Support of Olmstead Implementation.
- CMS Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services Informational Bulletin: New Housing Resources to Support Olmstead Implementation
PDF - HUD Office of Public and Indian Housing Notice: Assisted housing for persons with disabilities under Olmstead implementation efforts to provide community-based options rather than institutional settings
Long Term Project Planning
These two pages have questions to help you with the planning for your Long Term Project, which is due no later than September 14.